This image depicts strategic outsourcing and nearshoring in Mexico

Mexico Is The Leading Outsourcing Destination In The Americas

Mexico Is The Leading Outsourcing Destination In The Americas

Mexico is a global leader in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services, and it’s right next door to the US. DATAMARK is headquartered in El Paso, Texas, so we are located right on the border—there are 6 border crossings nearby.

Nearshoring to Mexico

Ryan Strategic Advisory recently published its 2024 research on the most favorable locations globally for BPO services, and Mexico was mentioned as one of the preferred locations for companies in the US. Last year, their research found that Mexico is the favorite American nearshore destination for BPO and customer service processes.

The founder of Ryan Strategic Advisory, Peter Ryan, said: “As long as I have been analyzing the outsourcing space, Mexican BPO has been at the forefront of enterprise interest when aiming to support the US Hispanic market. [Mexico is] one of the most important outsourcing destinations in the world.”

Peter Ryan has an esteemed company. Many other industry analysts and expert commentators have ranked Mexico as one of the most important destinations for BPO services. Deloitte has even estimated that nearshoring could boost Mexican GDP by 3% over the next five years.

Economic Growth

Economic growth in Mexico has been modest but reliably positive. Since 2000, there has been GDP growth of around 1.7% each year, and most political commentators expect this to increase slightly in the coming years. Commenting on the economic outlook for Mexico, a May 2024 report from Deloitte stated: “Over this period, Mexico has avoided any major internal economic crises, and its economic indicators—like inflation and public finance balances—have been less volatile than in other Latin American countries.”

BPO is also growing in Mexico. Analysts expect revenue of around $5.5 billion in 2024 alone, and with average growth running at about 4.27%, the market volume will be almost $7 billion by 2029.

Mexico has a strong and stable economy and excellent experience providing BPO services. Thus, it’s no surprise that the BPO and CX markets are doing well.

When compared to other regions, Mexico really has a long list of advantages that make it the ideal location for services to companies inside the US. These include:

  • No time zone issues: Many US states are in the same time zone as Mexico.
  • Cultural affinity: Mexicans and Americans know each other. Many people have family across the border – Canada and Mexico are the closest neighbors to the US, and we all know each other well.
  • Cost-effective: In addition to lower labor costs than in the US, Mexican agents are highly skilled. Lower cost doesn’t mean lower standards.
  • Skilled people: More than four million young Mexicans are currently in higher education, and around half a million graduate each year, so there is a constant pipeline of new, highly educated talent.
  • Data Protection: Mexico has strong laws regarding privacy and the protection of customer data, as well as many international standards similar to GDPR in Europe.


Outsourcing often focuses on cost-reducing strategies for businesses. Labor costs in Mexico are significantly lower while still retaining the same quality and Western influence. Mexico is a true partner to the US, and this is very clear when you look at outsourcing to the BPO sector.


Mexico is rapidly adopting the latest emerging technology. Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and robotic process automation (RPA) are used in BPO. BPO and CX are often on the frontline of innovation because companies often focus attention on the interface between brands and customers.

The Bottom Line

DATAMARK has been closely involved with this innovative approach to BPO. Our team has been delivering customer service solutions using AI for some time. All our agents are assisted by their own digital assistant, DataSpark. We know exactly how good Mexican BPO really is because we have our own team in Mexico.

For more information about our team in Mexico, please click here!

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